Where do I even start? For a while now I wanted to use the JavaScript animation tool called "JS Anime". Straight forward, get the library installed then starting doing super cool animation.
First Issue: Attempting to download the JavaScript Library via npm I realized I don't send node_modules to the Hostinger server, and why would I? I only use npm to download gulp to compile my SCSS into CSS. And though I "could" send node_modules to the server that would add so many unnecessary files into my server taking up space that's not even being used ( and I only have so much ) . I know about dependencies vs devDependencies in package.json/npm , but I haven't found a way to have the files saved in different folders so I can target what I want to upload. After many attempts, I learned of a new commanded called " npm prune --production" that I could use to delete all devDependencies packages so when I upload node_modules only the javascript that is needed will be there! ( I still need to organize all the packages into dependencies vs devDependencies )
Second Issue: So after getting super excited about my findings about how I can upload node_modules without junk, I learned that the Drupal libraries API wasnt able to find files outside of the docroot, and guess what? My node_moudles is outside the docroot... I did read how you can change the path of where the node_moudles can be saved with "config: prefix". Sadly it wasnt working for me and I just wanted to start coding some animations, so I did a cheat and found a cdn that had the Anime js and loaded that!
Third Issue: Animation is hard!! Having to do it all through code, and no UI tool is frustrating! I just have to trial and error the hell out of it! I may not have got the exact animation I was looking for, but it does look nice to have some movement on the screen ! I hope to have this clean up more!